Live a Little Fitness

with Margarita

April 19 (Friday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

What is "Battle" you ask. It's a boxing style workout which will get your daily frustrations out one punch at a time. We will all get in sync with a kickboxing style rhythmic warm up then head to the bags and barbells for a traditional boxing style workout. Don't worry you will NEVER get punched in the face but your troubles might get punch right out of your way. Fight those internal demons and get stronger one punch, one pushup and one battle at a time. 

* You do not have to punch a heavy bag or focus mits. However, if you would like to punch the heavy bags wraps and gloves must be worn. Wraps can be purchased at the studio and we have boxing gloves you can use. Please arrive early to learn how to wrap hands correctly.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
